He's come a long way from the pages of Tiger Beat, folks. That's right, with his latest film, "Shutter Island," Leonardo DiCaprio has once again reminded the movie-viewing populace that's he more than just a pretty face. Like most girls around my age, I loved him back when he was prancing around in "Romeo + Juliet" and "Titanic." And why wouldn't I? With his feminine features and
unintimidating physique, he was a
pre-teen girl's dream. But not everyone was a fan back then. The very characteristics that drove the young girls wild often drove other people nuts. Bring up the subject of Leonardo DiCaprio these days and those very same people might start to make some snide comment about "Leonardo Di-Crap-
rio" -- but then they'll stop and say, "Wait, I actually LIKE that guy now." Yes, it seems Leo has turned the tables and won the hearts of his harshest critics. But how did he do it? How did this tree-hugging thespian shed his
girly-man reputation and become one of the coolest cats in Hollywood? Two words: Martin Scorsese. Sure, DiCaprio might have earned his first Academy Award nomination for "What's Eating Gilbert Grape," but let's be honest, he lost most of that street cred after that steaming pile otherwise known as "The Man in the Iron Mask." It's my theory that it was Scorsese's "Gangs of New York" that really helped begin to bring DiCaprio back from the brink. Next, this dynamic duo teamed up to make "The Aviator," which I didn't love, but it earned DiCaprio his second Academy Award nomination. Then came "The Departed," which was just an all-around great movie. (Seriously, if you have not seen "The Departed," drop everything and go rent it immediately. You can thank me later.) At that point it became clear, you can't hate this guy anymore -- he's awesome. Which brings us back to "Shutter Island." I don't want to give too much away, because if you've seen the trailer, you've seen enough. Just know that it's good. I first heard about "Shutter Island" a few months ago and had been looking forward to seeing it ever since. There are lots of movies I want to see and a few that I really want to see, but sometimes a movie comes along that I just get super pumped about. "Shutter Island" was not a "maybe we'll go see a movie this weekend" occasion -- it was a "planned out for weeks ahead of time" event. Why? Leonardo DiCaprio. Same as when I was 13, only now, I don't see a movie because Leonardo DiCaprio is in it, I see a movie because I know if he is in it, it's going to be amazing.
For the record, The Departed was Scorsese trying to match the utter awesomeness of Boondock Saints. He failed...
ReplyDeleteI think Leo also proved he had serious acting chops in "Revolutionary Road."
ReplyDeleteVery true John, that was another great performance -- by DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.